Category: Diet

June 4, 2015

Get fit in the gym. Lose weight in the kitchen

The Never-Ending Weight Loss Battle

by pyrad
Categories: Diet
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I’m committed now to training this season, I need to eat away at one of the season’s big goals that also appeared on my New Year’s Resolutions: Weight loss. More specifically, I want to lose FAT. Almost everyone wants to lose weight. And let’s be honest, if there was a magic pill or easy way, everyone would jump on it. So, let’s accept right now that weight loss is not easy. I used to be really fat, probably even obese. In fact, by several measurements including BMI and Body Fat %, I’m still morbidly unhealthy. I identify that I need to[…continue reading]

June 3, 2015

What I Ate Wednesday

by pyrad
Categories: Diet
Comments: 5 Comments

I started this post as something as a “Day In My life” post, but evolved into this. Originally I was just planning on talking about my whole day. That included pictures of all my meals. Then I got curious about the exact calories and macro-nutrients my meals represented. So, I thought to open a myfitnesspal account. But, it said I already had an account I hadn’t used since September 2013. So, here’s what I ate on Tuesday, June 2, 2015. Pre-Run Breakfast Running before work for #5amRunClub is tricky because I don’t have time to have a full breakfast before[…continue reading]

March 27, 2015

Cruise Ship Food

by pyrad
Categories: Diet, Non-Running
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Comments: 6 Comments

As I mentioned in this post, I was on a cruise aboard the Celebrity Century through the South China Sea for most of March. As promised, I’m sharing a post of just pictures of the food. It’s like Instragraming dinner but on a much more epic scale! I wish I had taken pictures of the menu each day. They had really fancy descriptions of each dish. I’m afraid the captions on some of these plates is rather lacking, and I’m grasping at what I think it was. WARNING, the rest of the page contains pictures of tasty food, most of[…continue reading]