December 17, 2021

No-mato Sauce: Nightshade-free tomato sauce!

by pyrad
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In the aftermath of my health scare, I did a deep dive into possible causes and ways to prevent a similar catastrophe. My research led me to start avoiding certain inflammation-causing foods including gluten, dairy, and nightshade vegetables including tomatoes. I thought that meant no more pasta, one of my favorite dishes because the noodles have gluten, and the sauce has tomatoes. I have since discovered a number of great gluten-free pastas. But I only recently discovered this “nomato” sauce that doesn’t have any tomatoes! I guess it’s technically just a “red sauce” but I think “no-mato” is clever. I[…continue reading]

May 12, 2021

Unfried Chicken Recipe

by pyrad
Categories: Non-Running, Recipes
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Did this image catch your attention? I mean, who wouldn’t want a piggyback ride from Colonel Sanders!? There’s a fun story behind this: KFC’s Twitter account only follows 11 other accounts: The 5 Spice Girls and 6 guys named Herb. So, 11 Herbs and Spices, like their famous recipe. Well, a gentleman pointed that out on Twitter, and KFC “rewarded” him. Great marketing! Thinking of fried chicken, I kind of miss the gloriously unhealthy staple. But, with gluten off the menu, and generally cutting calories and saturated fat, it was off the menu in its traditional form. Fortunately, I’ve concocted[…continue reading]

April 23, 2021

Chicken Adobo Recipe

by pyrad
Categories: Non-Running, Recipes
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This is a dish that’s dear to my heart. Adobo is unofficially considered the national dish of the Philippines, where my mother comes from. She made my adobo occasionally growing up. And now, with my growing culinary skills, I thought I’d try to claim this piece of my heritage.  Filipino food can be amazing, but I find it sometimes lacks refinements and that puts some people off. I’d like to think I use a lot of interesting substitutions and techniques in this recipe to make it more universally palatable. Essentially, this is my way of trying to increase the profile[…continue reading]