Date: May 2020

May 29, 2020

My Daughter’s Growing Portfolio

by pyrad
Categories: Non-Running
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During COVID-19 lockdown we have had some fun posting with our daughter to certain hashtags. And to our surprise, she has been featured a couple of times. I’m not saying she should get into marketing, but proud papa wanted to share and document them. The first was a hashtag for Orange Naturals, their #d3dropschallenge. We’ve officially kickstarted our #D3DropsChallenge with Orange Naturals! If you have a little one at home and please participate with us.When your kiddie sees you coming with the D3 Drops, do their eyes light up? What is their reaction? Let’s see it! Let’s start a trend[…continue reading]

May 27, 2020

When Did I Get Old?

by pyrad
Categories: Non-Running
Comments: 1 Comment

Okay, I’m not really “old” yet. I am in my mid-thirties, and I appreciate that some reading this blog are much, much older! And I respect that, and in 20, 30… 50+ years I might realize I am still rather young right now. But, I think I feel enough contrast to mark a milestone of making observations. I attended a webcam-based seminar last night put on my University. I was attending and listening as an alumni, but many of the others were still students or recent graduates. Some of these students were 15 years younger than me, and that jarred[…continue reading]

May 14, 2020

A Less Intensive Recovery Period

by pyrad
Categories: Non-Running
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Comments: 1 Comment

As I’m writing this post, the world is in the grips of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time last year, I was still in the hospital, just barely off a ventilator myself. That makes this reflection a little more jarring. My last post as about this journey was the day my breathing tube was removed. That was not the end of my medical journey and recovery, not by a long shot. I was downgraded from the ICU to a “medicine” unit, but I was a long way from being “well”. Being semi-comatose and bedridden for over a month took a[…continue reading]